Robina Baker Elementary School


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  • Summer 2024 Trustee Newsletter

    Posted on    Posted in BGSD, Black Gold School Division, Board, Featured, General, Trustee Newsletters

    Your Board of Trustees is committed to working with staff, relevant stakeholder groups and community partners to provide the highest possible standard of educational opportunities for our students.

    Through their Inspiring Success! newsletter, trustees aim to inform Black Gold families about the various activities carried out by their elected officials to promote and advocate for quality public K-12 education.

    View the Summer 2024 Trustee Newsletter

    In this issue:

    • MLAs see first-hand overcrowding issues at Beaumont high school
    • Board Chair, Vice Chair sworn in for 2024-2025 term
    • Rural Schools Engagement update
    • Division to manage access to BYOD WIFI network this fall
    • École Coloniale Estates School renaming update, and much more!

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