Robina Baker Elementary School


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  • Board approves 2023-2026 Education Plan

    Posted on    Posted in BGSD, Black Gold School Division, Board, Featured, General, Media Release

    Nisku – At their regular meeting on May 31, the Board of Trustees approved the Black Gold School Division’s 2023-2026 Education Plan. The plan has been shared with Alberta Education, with all schools, and the public.

    “The Education Plan is our school division’s guiding document, and was prepared under the direction of the Board, and in accordance with our responsibilities outlined in the Education Act and the Fiscal Planning and Transparency Act,” said Norm Dargis, Associate Superintendent for Learning Services. “The Board used its performance results to prepare the plan, and is committed to implementing the strategies contained therein to improve student learning and results.”

    The 2023-2026 Education Plan continues to emphasize the Division’s priorities and associated goals, and identifies the local and provincial measures for success. This year, resources will be focussed on the following areas of work:

    • Supporting growth and achievement in the areas of literacy and numeracy
    • Student and staff wellness
    • Supplemental equitable resourcing for schools based on various data sources
    • Funding and support for career pathway awareness
    • Increased school-based administration time for single-administrator schools, in order to support wellness and success

    “The Board is grateful to the teachers, administrators, support staff, students, families and community partners who are a vital part of our mission: To inspire success,” said Board Chair Esther Eckert.

    Reporting on the Division’s progress associated with this year’s Education Plan will occur in the fall of 2024 through the Annual Education Results Report.

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