Robina Baker Elementary School


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  • Grade 4 Field Trip

    Posted on    Posted in General

    On March 24th, 2022, the Grade 4 students will be going on a field trip to the Maclab Centre for the Performing Arts to see Covenant Christian School’s production of Shrek Jr, The Musical. This field trip is designed to enhance the Fine Arts and Language Arts curriculums. 

    Curriculum Outcomes

    Students will demonstrate how to be an attentive audience member while viewing and comprehending a  drama production. They will also show appreciation, interest, and enjoyment throughout the visual media presentation.


    Depart from Robina Baker Elementary School: 11:45 am

    Arrive at the Maclab Centre: 12:05 pm

    Depart from the Maclab Centre: 2:30 pm

    Return to Robina Baker Elementary School: 2:50 pm

    The students will be eating their lunch at RBES before departing for the field trip. The cost to parents for the performance is $5. There will be no charge for the bus as it has been covered by the money raised from the Spell-a-thon. As per the RBES Permission Policy, please complete the PowerSchool permission form by 3:00 pm on March 23rd, 2022.

     If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the office (780-987-3705) or your child’s teacher.

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