Robina Baker Elementary School


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  • Kindness Month

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    For the past several years, February has been a month focused on Random Acts of Kindness (RAK). The students participate in a challenge to practice at least one RAK each day. If they are “caught” doing their RAK, they are sent down to the office to sign a chart. Each chart has squares for 100 acts of kindness. In the past, we fill 3-4 charts each month. This year, the students are excited to aim for 500 RAKs and fill 5 charts. That is a big number but is a direct result of discussions during our assembly time.

    Students have also been creating Kindness Cards for the last 4 years at our school and during Covid, these cards replaced traditional Valentine Card exchanges and was our creative way around restrictions. Although the Kindness Cards were meant to support the traditional idea of making something from the heart for Valentine’s Day, many students made cards throughout the month and gave them out to other students and staff and some even took some home for family members. Making something from the heart and sharing kind messages with each other brings much joy to many throughout the month and is a fantastic way to ensure all are able to participate in an exchange on February 14. We will certainly acknowledge that it is Valentine’s Day, like we would any other special holiday, but the focus will be on friendship and kindness so that all students are able to participate in the activities of the day.

    ** As mentioned in a previous email, please do not send Valentine cards or treats to school. All classes will be involved in fun activities, students will exchange kindness cards they have made at school, and families are encouraged to send a special treat for their child to have on this day. We will also have a Pink, Red, and White dress-up day for those who are interested.

    February also includes activities and events that focus on friendship skills, wellness (being kind to our bodies and our minds), and of course, the younger grades do activities surrounding the 100th day of school.

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