Robina Baker Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration Starts January 6

Register here:

  • Parent-Teacher Meetings

    Posted on    Posted in General

    Our teachers are looking forward to discussing your child’s learning with you on Wednesday, October 23. The meetings will be 15 minutes from 3:20 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

    We will also be hosting a family games night that evening. At any point, feel free to pop into the gym and join in on some family games before heading home. The book fair will also be open!

    To Book Your Time 

    Just go to the SignUp website & choose Robina Baker Parent-Teacher Meetings

    You do not have to create an account – just pick a spot and enter your student’s name and your email and phone number.

    Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on

    If you have any questions, please call 780-987-3705

    Scholastic Book Fair

    The Book Fair will be open October 22-24 all day, including during Parent Teacher Interviews. Please stop by and say hello and do some shopping! 

    If any parents are able to help out at lunch recesses on one of those 3 days to help with crowd control, please contact me.  It would be much appreciated!

    Please keep your eyes open for a Scholastic Book Fair flyer coming home soon! 

    You can access information about our Book Fair here.  Robina Book Fair

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