Robina Baker Elementary School


You can now register for Kindergarten for next year!

Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button

  • April 18, 2024

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    Admin Corner

    Good Afternoon Parents and Families,

    Your children might have noticed earlier this week that both myself and Mrs. Kirton were away. We attended and presented at a conference called uLead. This conference is meant for administration to network and learn skills that continue to help support student learning. As you know, letting Letting Learning Guide us is one of our most prized pillars. I can tell you that both Mrs. Kirton and myself learned a great deal and we hope to have a positive impact on our staff and students. We also presented on the topic of creating a positive culture and having specific plans in place that support student learning. 

    In the weeks ahead, we have many exciting events! The Grade 4 students will participate in some shadowing days at Riverview and there will be more field trips on the docket to provide students with experiential learning opportunities.

    Our School Council has been busy at work behind the scenes. They will be hosting a School Dance next Friday which will include the return of the Grade 4 Cake Walk, raising funds for their trip to Camp Warwa. 

    Finally, please stay tuned for a sign-up sheet for the building of our park. The park is scheduled to be built during May 22-24. 

    Mr. Coffin

    Our Best Ever Spell-A-Thon – Thank You!

    Wow! Thank you to our students, families, and teachers for participating in the Spell-a-thon.

    Together we raised $11,968.60! 

    On our 10th anniversary, we raised the most money ever – thank you!  This money will go a long way to support offsetting field trip costs, items for wellness days and initiatives, guest speakers, and the ongoing evergreening of school technology.

    We would like to send out a huge Thank You to all of our sponsors: Devon Home Hardware, IGA, Tim Hortons, Boston Pizza, Independent Grocers, Florida Pizza, and Dairy Queen. We could not have done this without your amazing support! 

    Mrs. Forchuk and Mrs. Tewitz have long organized and supported this fundraiser and put a lot of work behind it – THANK YOU!  Also, THANK YOU RBES Staff for your supporting role in the Spell-a-thon! This event would not be so successful without your extra time and encouragement.

    April 19 – PD Day – No School

    April 19 – Yearbooks go on sale on PowerSchool

    April 22 – Earth Day Walk

    April 23 – Grade 1 Immunization

    April 24 & 25 – Moving-up & Moving-on Photos Grade 4 & Kindergarten

    April 26 – RBES Family Dance

    May 1-3 – Mental Health Week

    Our School Council is inviting everyone to a School Dance next Friday! We are excited to see the return of the Grade 4 Cake Walk – a fun event raising funds for their trip to Camp Warwa. 

    Moving Up & On Photos

    The Kindergarten and Grade 4 students have individual Celebration Photos as Kinders are moving up and the Grade 4s are moving on and we like to take their photos as a part of their celebration.  The Grade 4s can bring in an item that represents something important to them this year (For example ballet slippers if they were in dance, or a game console).  Kindergarten students will have a Graduation cap and scroll provided for their photos.  

    Wednesday, April 24 – Grade 4 and K2 Kinder classes

    Thursday, April 25 – K1 and any missing Grade 4 students from April 24 – MORNING ONLY

    Library Corner

    • If you have any questions regarding your child’s account, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please note: You will not be charged any fines unless you have been notified that it will happen.
    • PreK students –  Please return the red bookmark with the book.  It helps us put the books into the correct bags.  Thanks to everyone who remembered to do so!!   
    • Leduc Recreation Pass – Don’t forget about the Leduc Recreation Pass which can be checked out for a week.  
    •   Amazon Wishlist If you would like to buy one of these books for the library, please don’t forget to have Amazon send us a gift note with your name on it.  I like to acknowledge the person who purchased the book.  Thanks!
    • Thanks to those of you who have donated books from the Amazon Wishlist!!  That is fantastic and very much appreciated!

    Please help us plan for next year by letting us know if your child will not be returning to Robina Baker next year.  If your Grade 4 student will be going to Riverview Middle School, you do not have to let us know.

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