Robina Baker Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration Starts January 6

Register here:

  • DECEMBER 23, 2022

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    On behalf of all RBES staff and students, our office team would like to wish all Robina Baker families a wonderful holiday season. Enjoy the break and we will see you all back on January 9, 2023!


    We enjoyed our assembly today and “wrapped up” our Giving theme! A number of students won some prizes in a draw and we celebrated some Rad Raptors who were so AMAZING this week. It was extra fun for the students as they got to bring their stuffies along to the assembly and were wearing their pj’s. Such a fun day!

    Love hearing and seeing our students do our school song!

    You can see our agenda by clicking on the button below:


    Here are a few of our wonderful Rad Raptors! We have sooo many kind citizens at RBES. It is so fun to recognize them in the moment!


    Thank you to everyone who came out to watch our Christmas Concerts. Even though it was freezing outside, all the concerts were well attended and we were cozy inside. All the students did a fantastic job! We are so very proud of them all.

    A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to all the RBES staff who worked together to make this Christmas concert happen. We would also like to send out a SPECIAL Thank You to Ms. Corcoran for her dedication and all of her hard work.


    Our students had fun doing the Twelve Days of Fitmas over the last few weeks. Thank you to our Grade 4 students that helped with announcements each day! A special Thank You to Thea, Megan, and Sophia for their help in making this video to show the whole 12 days. This helped us keep our feet moving with all of these indoor recesses.


    This is always a favourite day for our staff and students! Enjoy a few more adorable and fun photos by clicking on the button below.


    So much holiday spirit! It was great fun to see many students and staff dressed up in their favourite holiday topper! We saw some wonderful and creative hairstyles, hats, sparkles, and bobbles! Want to see more? Click on the button below:


    Congratulations to the Pizza with the Principal winners this month. They enjoyed a fun pizza lunch with Mrs. Kloschinsky on Wednesday. If for some reason, you have to miss your special lunch day when chosen, we will still save your pizza for you! A warm thank you to Pizza Hut for sponsoring our lunch.


    Our Kindness Club has been hard at work throughout the month of December. We dropped off almost 100 bookmarks at the Devon Public Library to be handed out to anyone who signs out a book over the holidays. Some teams of students helped with setting up and take down of chairs for the Christmas Concert. A few helped with classroom deliveries. Another group made cards for the Devon Senior Discovery Place residents and staff. Last, but not least, a last group colored and wrote kind postcard messages to the RBES staff and then delivered them with a treat. What an amazing group of students! We look forward to more of their Kindness Projects in the New Year.

    This is only one group of card makers. Sometimes, we get so busy, we forget to take a photo. These girls know how to put heart and care into their art!
    Wow!!!! What a fabulous chair set up crew for our concert. So impressed with how hard these boys worked.
    Our chair take down crew loved doing a silly photo!! They did such a great service for our school and they were excellent chair stackers.


    Hot lunch orders are due each Thursday ONE WEEK prior to each order. You have the option to order one week at a time or multiple weeks at a time in PowerSchool. If you have any questions, please contact the office.


    With a focus on student safety, we appreciate you taking the time to let us know when your child will not be at school. To make it easier, we have this quick form you can use, or call the office and leave a message at 780-987-3705.

    Can’t remember where the form is? Use the search bar trick on the website to get the dropdown menu with the link to the form … easy peasy!

    Kindergarten registration opens on January 9, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Children may begin Kindergarten in a school within the Black Gold School Division in September if they are at least 4 years 8 months old as of August 31 of the respective school year.

    We encourage families to register early. Please note that programs and class preferences are subject to change based on enrollment, space and program viability.


    Happy Kids Childcare is now open year round (except statutory holidays) and is accepting full time and part time care enrollment. Please contact Mansi Patel directly at [email protected] or 780-716-5437.


    This section will have new updates when we are back on January 9th, 2023. In the meantime, please see the important dates below.


    * Monday, January 9th – Classes Resume

    * Monday, January 9th – Kindergarten registration opens for the 2023-2024 school year

    * Friday, January 13 – A & W Hot Lunch


    Please click on the image below to take you to the Devon & Area Community Events page.

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