Robina Baker Elementary School


You can now register for Kindergarten for next year!

Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button

  • January 12, 2024

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    Admin Corner

    Well, January sure hit us with quite the cold front! It’s always tricky coming back from a vacation and on top of that with indoor recesses it makes for some tricky times! The students and teachers were very wonderful at making sure their learning was on point and that activities were engaging! We saw catapults being built in Grade 4 and learning “snowball fights” in Grade 2 just to name a couple. 

    Despite the weather, we had many parents attend a school council meeting on Wednesday night. I can’t thank our parent community enough for their continued dialogue and support of the school. It was heartwarming to share the celebrations within the school such as our Winter Concert, and Cup of Caring Project, as well as community connections. I shared our need for technology upgrades in the school and welcomed their support! I asked for feedback on some items related to bell times, division calendars, fundraising, and our future Kinder/PK programming. Our Trustee, Devonna Klaassen also attends and provides updates from a division level and shares all the wonderful advocacy she does for public education. We are lucky to have a wonderful group that engages in respectful dialogue. I can’t thank them enough for their dedication to making our school a better place. Watch the calendar for our next meeting!

    January is a busy month for our teachers. You will notice after today that PowerSchool access for grades has been closed as teachers work towards doing some final updates and preparing Report Cards for the end of the month. 

    Floor hockey has also started up! A huge thank you to our teachers for committing this extra time for our students!

    Please stay safe and stay warm!

    Mr. Coffin

    January 22 – 25 – Skating

    January 22 – Kindergarten Open House

    January 30 – Report Cards available on PowerSchool

    January 31 – PD Day – No School

    February 7 – Winter Walk Day

    February 8 & 9 – Teacher Convention – No School

    Kindergarten Registration

    You can now register for Kindergarten for next year! If your child is in PK this year at Robina Baker, please register now for next year. If you know of anyone in our community who has a child who qualifies, please let them know they can check out our amazing Kindergarten program at an Open House on Monday, January 22.

    Welcome Mrs. Joosse

    We would like to welcome Mrs. Trudy Joosse to our library! Mrs. Joosee join the library from Riverview Middle School and is excited to engage with students in the world of literacy. She replaces Mrs. Hagel who did a wonderful job in our library during her short tenure. Mrs. Hagel is off to the libraries at the University of Alberta and we wish her well!

    At our last school council meeting, the admin presented with a strong need for technology upgrades.

    With aging Smart Screens and a need for more in-school Chromebooks, we, as a team, knew this was the area that needed support.

    We’re finally in a comfortable position to feel safe with the playground funding, so we can start donating more funds within the school walls.

    With an uncertain start to our fundraising year, we are beyond thrilled with our to-date efforts totaling $27,725. A large portion was a generous donation from Peace Hills Insurance and the rest was the fundraising efforts of our team, through our sales, hot lunches, movie night, and bottle depot money.

    We can’t do any of this without your support and we thank you!

    Please give us a follow on Facebook to keep up to date on our events

    A Note About Pickups:

    At the end of the school day, we respect that parents make a variety of plans for the safe transport of their children. Some students attend our Happy Kids Daycare or are picked up from a community daycare. Others will take the bus home. Some students walk. For the most part, especially for our younger students, parents will pick students up. To avoid any confusion, if there is a pickup that strays from the norm or you have a regular pickup that is not a parent, please communicate the plan to the classroom teacher and the office. When a parent is unable to pick a student up, we ask that you provide, in writing what the plan is. This avoids confusion or guessing for us and ultimately ensures that students get to their final destinations safely. Of course, when we just aren’t sure we might call to seek some clarity from parents. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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