Robina Baker Elementary School


You can now register for Kindergarten for next year!

Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button

  • January 19, 2024

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    Admin Corner

    Brr! Another cold week was upon us! This cold is certainly having me reminisce a little about my childhood. I grew up in a small town in Saskatchewan just east of Saskatoon. I attended a K-12 school with 150 other students. Many years were spent navigating the cold walk to the school (uphill both ways of course!). After I left my community, I was thankful for the years of my childhood and the sense of community that we had. Having worked in Devon for close to the last decade; I’m struck by the similarities. What stands most true is the sense of community. This is evidenced every day as we greet parents on the sidewalks as well as the ongoing support of our local partners. 

    Today, for example, Peace Hills Insurance stopped by our assembly to deliver a very large donation that helped our parent group confidently reach the tipping point to build our park this Spring. It hasn’t just been Drake/Peace Hills Insurance that has stepped up over the fundraising effort over the past several years. This entire community has shown up time and time again to support this important build. The cheer shared by the students today when they learned that their park would be built in the new year was memorable. Thank you to Peace Hills Insurance for the donation today, but also to every group and parent who has contributed to making this happen. 

    We have a wonderful community here at the school with staff who care and are dedicated to inspiring success. The extension of that school community is so very present with everyone outside these walls as well.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend! 

    Mr. Coffin

    Thank You Peace Hills!

    Today at assembly, the students were thrilled to hear that this is the year we will begin building the new playground!

    “The cheers from the kids were amazing and something all of us will never forget,” said Massimo Pazienza of Drake Insurance.

    This year has started with a steady run of inside recess but we are all getting excited for what the latter part of this year may hold with a new playground.  It has been many years in the making and we are so thankful for everyone’s contributions!

    January 22 – 25 – Skating

    January 22 – Kindergarten Open House

    January 23 – Last day to order hot lunch

    January 30 – Report Cards available on PowerSchool

    January 31 – PD Day – No School

    February 7 – Winter Walk Day

    February 8 & 9 – Teacher Convention – No School

    Kindergarten Registration

    You can now register for Kindergarten for next year! If your child is in PK this year at Robina Baker, please register now for next year. If you know of anyone in our community who has a child who qualifies, please let them know they can check out our amazing Kindergarten program at an Open House on Monday, January 22.

    Dallas Arcand

    We were so fortunate to have Dallas Arcand at the school this week! What an amazing, entertaining, and educational performance by three-time World Champion Hoop Dancer Dallas Arcand! Thank you so much, Dallas!

    Congratulations to the Pizza with the Principal Winners!

    Welcome Mrs. Joosse

    It has been a great first 2 weeks at Robina! I’ve enjoyed reading to your children and sharing in their enthusiasm for reading! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please remember that books can be renewed if necessary. Also, don’t forget about the Leduc Recreation Pass which can be checked out for a week.

    Mrs. Joossee

    A Note About Pickups:

    At the end of the school day, we respect that parents make a variety of plans for the safe transport of their children. Some students attend our Happy Kids Daycare or are picked up from a community daycare. Others will take the bus home. Some students walk. For the most part, especially for our younger students, parents will pick students up. To avoid any confusion, if there is a pickup that strays from the norm or you have a regular pickup that is not a parent, please communicate the plan to the classroom teacher and the office. When a parent is unable to pick a student up, we ask that you provide, in writing what the plan is. This avoids confusion or guessing for us and ultimately ensures that students get to their final destinations safely. Of course, when we just aren’t sure we might call to seek some clarity from parents. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

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