Robina Baker Elementary School


You can now register for Kindergarten for next year!

Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button

  • June 7, 2024

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    Here are the homeroom assignments for next year:

    It is finally officially June!

    It’s hard to believe that we are in the home stretch of the school year. Communication, as I stated last week is super important! Here are a couple of things on the go that we need you to be aware of:

    • Our Track team was off to the Elementary track meet this week. Congratulations to all our athletes! 
    • Fitset Ninja is next week for K-4 students. Our Spellathon covers this cost but a permission form must be completed before students can participate. Please do this online. Our EIPK group is too young to participate in this course, but they are heading on a different trip that will be subsidized by our Spellathon funds.
    • We love celebrating ALL of our students and everything that makes them exactly who they are. June is Indigenous History Month. During our announcements this week we’ve featured some excellent Indigenous stories. 
    • Our School Council held its AGM on Wednesday night. It was a great evening to celebrate the many successes and welcome new faces. Stay tuned for upcoming meeting dates for our entire community to join!

    It is the time of year when we are in full planning mode for next year. There are some staffing changes and homeroom assignments we’d like to share with you!

    • We are wishing Mrs. Gerard well as she will be off on maternity leave next year. We are excited to hear all about baby Gerard later this summer! 
    • Ms. Culp has been a wonderful part of the team here at Robina Baker for the past few years. We will miss her dearly but we wish her all the best on her new adventure next year!  
    • Mrs. Garlough is excited for her next chapter of retirement. She has also been an integral member of the ECS team for many years here at Robina. 
    • Mrs. Pennycook is also retiring. Mrs. Pennycook has been a long-serving EA at Robina Baker and will be dearly missed.

    Class Lists:

    One of the pillars we regularly discuss with our community is TRUST. Our teachers are currently in the process of carefully and diligently creating class lists for next year. This is a very complex process that involves a lot of collaboration, discussion, and thought. Please know and trust this process as it unfolds. In late August, you will receive a welcome letter from your child’s teacher. Requests for placements are incredibly difficult to honour and are not guaranteed. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Mr. Coffin directly.  

    Trial Morning Routine:

    We have recognized that with the new park open, there is a natural sprawling of students in our schoolyard during our recess breaks. In an effort to trial a plan we have for September, students will now be supervised as they would at recess in the rear of the school as they arrive (AFTER 8:15). Beginning Monday, students will no longer be required to line up at the front of the school. When the bell rings at 8:25, students will go to the designated doors they come in during recess. Please note that there is NO SUPERVISION prior to 8:15 and that the best and recommended time for students to arrive is 8:25. Should this routine be successful, we will continue this when we return in August. 

    Reporting Period:

    You will notice that PowerSchool will be closed off as of Friday evening. This will give teachers a chance to complete and update any final assessments and complete their report cards for the year. Once proofed by the administration, they will be sent out by our last teacher workday on June 28th, 2024. 

    This was a lot of unpack! Thank you for taking the time to read it. Have a safe and wonderful Devon Days! 

    Mr. Coffin


    June 14 Playground Grand OpeningRSVP here

    June 18 EIPK – We Rock the Spectrum Kids GymPERMISSION FORM REQUIRED

    June 18 – Last day to order School Start School Supplies to be entered to win prizes

    June 18 & 19 Grade 4 Camp WarwaPERMISSION FORM REQUIRED

    June 21 EIPK Free Swim

    June 21 Grade 2 UofA Botanic Gardens – PERMISSION FORM REQUIRED

    June 21 National Indigenous Peoples Day


    June 26 Grade 2 Walk & PicnicPERMISSION FORM REQUIRED

    June 26 Grade 1 Spray WalkPERMISSION FORM REQUIRED

    We are so excited to inform you that we are having our Grand Opening of our new playground on Friday, June 14 from 3:30 – 5: 00 p.m.
    We would like to know approximately how many people can join us in celebrating.  Please take a moment to fill out this quick form to let us know if you can attend.

    Spell-a-thon Prize Winners Adventures

    The winners of the Spell-a-thon prize of going to DQ with Mrs. Forchuk & Mrs. Tewitz were surprised with more than just an ice cream treat!  Along the way, they were stopped by a Peace Officer who gave each one of the students a ticket!  The officer caught them each doing something good and they received a Safe Riding ticket that they can trade in for a free slush at the Circle K.  If that wasn’t enough excitement they also met the owner of Pigtopia who let the kids see a goat and a couple of turtles she had with her.  The students had a great time!

    Library Corner

    • End of year: All library books will be due on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. After this date, all books will be considered overdue. Students will not be taking any more books out after the 7th of June. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns or questions regarding your child’s library account. 
    • PreK students –  Please return the red bookmark with the book.  It helps us put the books into the correct bags.  Thanks to everyone who remembered to do so!!   
    • Leduc Recreation Pass – Don’t forget about the Leduc Recreation Pass which can be checked out for a week. Please let your child’s teacher know if you would like it..  Thanks!
    •   Amazon Wishlist.  If you would like to buy one of these books for the library, please don’t forget to have Amazon send us a gift note with your name on it.  I like to acknowledge the person who purchased the book.  Thanks!
    • Thanks to those of you who have donated books from the Amazon Wishlist!!  That is fantastic and very much appreciated!

    BGSD Board Highlights

    Community Info


    Hearts in Action Camps will be in a group format through a variety of different locations across Edmonton and Leduc. There will be endless opportunities to enjoy the summer with field trips, arts, games, and group activities! Please see the 2024 Summer Camp Digital Brochure for more information.

    Date, Times, and Locations:

    Day Camps running Monday – Friday for 8 weeks (Families can choose which weeks and the number of weeks they would like to register for)

    • First week begins on July 2
    • Minimum Camp hours are 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM (30 hours/week)
      • Before and after care is available for an extra fee
        • Before care: as early as 7:30 AM
        • After care: as late as 6:00 PM

    Our Stories