Robina Baker Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration Starts January 6

Register here:

  • MARCH 3, 2023

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    March 6 & 7 – AHS Flouride Treatments

    March 7 – Dominoes Family Pizza Order night

    March 10 & 11 – RBES hosting Girl’s Floor Hockey Tournament

    March 13 – PD Day – No School

    March 17 & 18 – Boy’s Floor Hockey Tournament (Leduc)

    March 23 – Student Led Conferences

    March 23 – Grade 4 Parent Meeting for Camp Warwa – 6:30 pm

    March 27- 31- Spring Break – No School


    We wrapped up our Kindness theme and started working on Cooperation and Teamwork. Lots of great conversations about teamwork.

    You can see our agenda by clicking on the button below:


    Congratulations to our RAD Raptors! These students have all modeled exemplary kindness skills. They will be entered into the Pizza with the Principal draw.

    Last month’s Pizza with the Principal group will enjoy a pizza lunch this Wednesday, March 8 with Mrs. K!


    If you plan to have pizza for supper this week, please think about supporting RBES in a pizza fundraiser from Dominoes. We will be having a second pizza family night in April!


    Kindergarten registration is now open for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Children may begin Kindergarten in a school within the Black Gold School Division in September if they are at least 4 years 8 months old as of August 31 of the respective school year.

    We encourage families to register early as this helps us with our planning. Please note that programs and class preferences are subject to change based on enrollment, space and program viability.

    If you are interested in additional information about our Kindergarten program, please click on the button below:


    With a focus on student safety, we appreciate you taking the time to let us know when your child will not be at school. To make it easier, we have this quick form you can use, or call the office and leave a message at 780-987-3705.

    Can’t remember where the form is? Use the search bar trick on the website to get the dropdown menu with the link to the form … easy peasy!


    Happy Kids Childcare is now open year round (except statutory holidays) and is accepting full time and part time care enrollment. Please contact Mansi Patel directly at [email protected] or 780-716-5437.

    Please click on the button below to take you to a page with more information and a link to register:


    The following are events and activities that are coming soon to RBES. Click on images to take you to any additional information that may be available.


    Please click on the image below to take you to the Devon & Area Community Events page.

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