Robina Baker Elementary School


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  • November 22, 2024

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    Good Afternoon Robina Families,

    It’s hard to believe we are rounding the corner of November and will be in December so soon. This week we saw our students take on SKATING! We have a wonderful opportunity right next door to the rink for students to get acquainted with the skill. Thank you to the Town of Devon for the joint use agreement which allows us to use the rink at no cost. We are grateful! 

    To end the week, we had our regular grade-level assemblies. Mr. Scott was able to connect with Elder Sandra from Enoch Cree Nation who brought traditional teachings about the hand drum. Many of our students were fortunate to hear from Elder Sandra and we are grateful that she came to share her traditional knowledge. In the afternoon, some of our classes participated in a digital Metis beading activity with Mr. Maltais, who coordinated with our Indigenous Lead Curriculum Coach to learn and experience Metis beading in a virtual format. We appreciate our student’s respect and attention during these important learning activities. 

    We’d like to discuss a few important community-building events with you!

    1. Our School Council is organizing a few events/fundraisers – Christmas Sweater Making and Family Movie Night coming up! Check our calendar or the School Council & Fundraising Committee page for more information!
    2. The Leduc & District Food Bank is a frequent donor to us and the school. They often supply snacks for our snack bins as well as sandwiches to students in need. This holiday season, the hockey team of one of our students is organizing a food drive! We have a large box set up in the foyer. Please, if you are able, feel free to bring in a donation. We’d love to have the box overflowing! If a student brings a donation they will also be entered into our annual Comfy Couch Draw for our Christmas Concert. We recognize that not everyone may be able to donate so we also have Raptor Colouring sheets in the office for students to pick up to colour should they wish to be entered into the draw. 
    3. We have been approached by a local business who is putting together meal boxes for the holiday season. The meal box comes with all the fixings you might need for the holiday season at no cost. If you think this might be something that might take some pressure off of your family this season, feel free to fill out this form. Mr. Coffin only has access to it and he will pass your name on. The boxes are limited so he will be in touch after receiving a response. 

    I continue to be so incredibly grateful for such an amazing community to be a part of. We all take care of one another and will continue to be here for you whenever you need us! 

    Mr. Coffin

    Important Dates

    November 25 – December Hot Lunch Deadline
    December 3 – Holiday DIY Sweater – Register Here
    December 6 – Holiday Movie Night – Home Alone 2
    December 3 – 6 – AHS Dental at RBES
    December 12 – Gingerbread House/Cookie Decorating Family Night – Details coming soon!
    December 18 – EIPK & Kinder Winter Concerts
    December 19 – Grade 1-4 Winter Concert

    December Hot Lunch

    You can now order hot lunch for December! Please double-check our calendar to make sure your child is at school or not on a field trip when you order. Please also note that hot lunch is for Mondays & Fridays.

    Winter Concerts

    We are so excited for our Winter Concerts starting soon! On Wednesday, December 18 EIPK (PreK) parents are invited to the Music Room at 5:45 p.m. Kindergarten parents will be in the Gym starting a 6:30 p.m.

    On Thursday, December 19, Grade 1-4 parents have two chances to watch the Winter Concerts. In the afternoon, the students will rehearse starting at 1:00 p.m. In the evening, the doors will open at 5:45 p.m. and then the concert will start at 6:00 p.m

    Concert Comfy Couch

    On both evening Winter concerts, we will be running our Comfy Couch Contest for a student to win the best seats in the house. The winner’s family or any other guest can sit front row and centre. Students can enter by bringing in a food donation to the Leduc & District Food Bank, or by colouring one of our “Winter Concert” posters. The posters are available in the office.

    Food Bank Drive

    The Leduc Food Bank is a frequent donor to us and the school. They often supply snacks for our snack bins as well as sandwiches to students in need. This holiday season, the hockey team of one of our students is organizing a food drive! We have a large box set up in the foyer. Please, if you are able, feel free to bring in a donation. We’d love to have the box overflowing! If a student brings a donation they will also be entered into our annual Comfy Couch Draw for our Christmas Concert. We recognize that not everyone may be able to donate so we also have Raptor Colouring sheets in the office for students to pick up to colour should they wish to be entered into the draw.

    Free Holiday Meal Boxes

    We have been approached by a local business who is putting together meal boxes for the holiday season. The meal box comes with all the fixings you might need for the holiday season at no cost. If you think this might be something that might take some pressure off of your family this season, feel free to fill out this form. Mr. Coffin only has access to it and he will pass your name on. The boxes are limited so I will be in touch after receiving a response.

    Library Corner

    • Students have looked at the new books acquired through the Book Fair so far. They put some books on hold and next week the books will start circulating.  Thanks again!
    • Students are allowed the following number of books:
      • Grades K and 1 – 1 book
      • Grades 2 and 3 – 2 books
      • Grade 4 – 3 books
    • Please return the books a week later when it is your student’s library day. Books can be renewed!  Just have your child ask me to do that.
    • Overdue noticesPlease do not be concerned if you receive an overdue notice.  These are just reminders and you will not be charged any late fees.  Please email me, not your teacher, if you have any questions or concerns about library items.  [email protected]   
    • Amazon Wishlist. We have a wishlist for the library!  If you would like to buy one of these books for the library, please don’t forget to have Amazon send us a gift note with your name on it.  I like to acknowledge the person who purchased the book.  Thanks!

    Black Gold School Division

    The Board Highlights are a summary of our Board of Trustees Regular, Organizational and Special Board Meetings.

    • Also included are PowerPoint presentations or various types of information that is presented and/or viewed at the regular Board of Trustee Meetings.

    Community Information & Events

    Our Stories