Robina Baker Elementary School


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Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button

  • November 24, 2023

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    Admin Corner

    This week was Bullying Awareness Week. All week on our virtual announcements we focused on ways we can show kindness! We certainly saw that within our building this week. From picture drawings to Rad Raptors, the kindness was overflowing in the building. We held another pop-up coffee and hot chocolate stand on Wednesday. I was quite tickled when Mrs. Mullen’s class presented me with a pair of “funky” socks today as a surprise act of kindness. We had an assembly that focused on our second of the seven Indigenous teachings today; Respect. We will continue to discuss ways we can demonstrate respect! Many smiles were shared this week!

    It is the first week back after a nice long break. We hope that you and your family had a great break and were able to “take care of you”. Our School Council and Fundraising Society is hosting a movie night TONIGHT! See the poster below for details. Everyone is welcome. Our parent group has been working so very hard to raise the last little bit of money for our playground. I am so proud of our parent group for their tireless work!

    You’ll notice that details for our Winter Concert are also listed below. Mr. Scott and the planning committee have been working with students to prepare the best show for all our loved ones.

    Next week is skating week! Thank you to all our families who have volunteered to skate or come tie skates. There are lots of skates to tie. If you are interested in helping out, please contact your child’s classroom teacher.

    Finally, next week the ice plant for the addition to the rink is being delivered. As such, the Town of Devon has let us know that there is going to be NO ACCESS to the parking lot between the rink and the pool. Parents coming to drop their children off for Grade 4, Kindergarten, PK, and daycare will need to park at the front of the school and walk around. This will not impact us walking over to skate. Normal parking will resume on Wednesday. Thank you for your understanding!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    Mr. Coffin

    November 24 – Christmas Movie Night

    November 27-30 – Skating – Please complete your permission forms

    December 4 – PD No School

    December 8 – Merry & Bright Raffle Draw

    December 13 – Pre-Kindergarten (EIP) & Kindergarten Winter Concerts

    December 14 – Grades 1-4 Winter Concerts

    December 22 – Last Day before Christmas Break

    School Council & Fundraising

    The Robina Baker Parent Fundraising and Volunteer Group got the BEST news this morning!

    Thanks to our lead at Drake Insurance Agency – Devon, we were able to secure a TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLAR donation from Peace Hills Insurance!

    With this donation comes a huge sigh of relief for us. With the deposit already paid on our new playground, we’ve been busting to make sure we have some wiggle room for the build, plus fundraising for the small things we support around the school.

    This takes a huge amount of pressure off of us, and still allows us to help with small budgets around the school.

    We are so grateful!

    Please give us a follow on Facebook to keep up to date on our events

    Grade 1-4 Skating

    On November 27-30 and January 22-25, our Grade 1-4 classes will be going on a field trip to the Dale Fisher Arena. Our kindergarten students will only skate in January. If we need to change the date due to inclement weather we will let you know as soon as possible. Each grade will have a half-hour time slot on the ice in which they will be participating in learn-to-skate activities and games which are appropriate for their ability level.

    Rad Raptor Winners

    Congratulations to these Rad Raptors who won the draw today to participate in the next Pizza With The Principal! Shane, Sawyer, Angel, Winnie & Teagan will be making their own pizzas with Mr. Coffin next week! Thank you to Mrs. Warrell for making the aprons for our Pizza Chefs!

    Wellness Wednesday

    We had such a great time on Wednesday afternoon! The students participated in three different activities including yoga, board games, mindful eating, and cooperative games. Wellness Wednesdays give students a chance to try new things with students from different grades.

    Spirit Wear!

    We are excited to let you know you can purchase Your Raptor Spirit Wear now! Hoodies, bags, T-shirts, toques & more are now on sale!

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