Robina Baker Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration Starts January 6

Register here:

  • OCTOBER 28, 2022

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    On Friday, we enjoyed our Tues/Thurs kinders dressed up in costume and their mini parade. Thank you to all guests who came out for that! You can find some pictures from the Kinder parade HERE (note: all other Halloween parade pictures will be added to this folder after Monday as well).

    Mrs. K found a couple other students who were in the Halloween spirit to be a part of her Boo Crew!!


    * Halloween Parade 9 am – October 31 – ** All parents welcome to attend. Parents and siblings are welcome to dress up as there will be a parade lap for them too!

    * PD Day – NO SCHOOL – Tues, November 1

    * Spell-a-thon test and pledge forms are due – Wed, November 2

    * Photo Retakes – Thurs, November 3

    * Hot Lunch – Pizza Hut – Thurs, November 3

    * Remembrance Day Ceremony – Fri, November 4

    All Robina families are invited to join us on Monday, October 31 at 9:00 am in the gymnasium. Please feel free to dress up as we end our parade with all our other guests doing a lap of the gym to share their costumes. Please keep costume choices preschool friendly as has been outlined below. 

    As a reminder, Tuesday, November 1st is a Professional Development day, so there is no school for students that day. 


    Staff and students will be dressing up on Halloween Day. Please remember that we have PK-Grade 4 students and some of our students are as young as 3 years old.Costumes need to be child friendly.

    ** We remind parents that NO TREATS are to be brought to school to be shared.

    We encourage the following with our costumes for school dress-up:
    • Creative, fun and friendly.
    • Traditional children ghost and witch costumes.
    • Super-heroes and princesses.
    • Animated characters eg. Pooh Bear, Pokemon, Minion…
    • Fuzzy animal costumes.
    We kindly ask that there are:
    • No missing body parts.
    • No bloody masks or overly significant bloody makeup.
    • No weapons.
    • No gory or frightening costumes.
    • No clowns like the one that is popular from the movie IT.


    Our hot lunch program has started! Check your PowerSchool accounts to place an order. We have more information on our Hot Lunch page. The November order form will be up soon!

    Would you like to be a Hot Lunch Volunteer?

    We are looking for a couple of Hot Lunch volunteers to help sort orders on our Hot Lunch days. Please fill out our volunteer form if you are interested. We will be contacting those who have indicated interest in the next week.


    Our students enjoyed the Spell-a-thon kick off in their classrooms on Friday. Please click on this link for more information and see the video below showing the slideshow that the students watched. The excitement has already begun! For those new to RBES, this is one of the only fundraisers that the school does each year and it helps to offset many costs for programming extras for our students. Thank you in advance for your support!


    Click here for more information about how to order your photos and picture retake day.


    Volunteers are a most welcome and integral part of learning at Robina Baker Elementary School! There are many opportunities to be involved with the school. If you are interested, please complete our volunteer form by clicking on the button below.

    Once you have indicated your areas of interest, you will be contacted as need arises. Please note: volunteers are required to sign in and out of the school for safety and security reasons. Please check in at the office before and after you volunteer. If it is your first day of volunteering, you will be given a Black Gold Form that needs to be completed. If you have any questions, please contact the office.


    SAVE THE DATE: November, 17

    Please join us for our School Council meeting! All parents are welcome to attend.


    SAVE THE DATE: November, 17

    Don’t have time for meetings, but are willing to volunteer for events? Use the QR code below or click on the button below to take you to a link to sign up to let us know!


    With a focus on student safety, we appreciate you taking the time to let us know when your child will not be at school. To make it easier, we have this quick form you can use, or call the office and leave a message at 780-987-3705.

    Can’t remember where the form is? Use the search bar trick on the website to get the dropdown menu with the link to the form … easy peasy!


    Happy Kids Childcare has some Drop In times available. Please contact Mansi Patel directly at [email protected] or 780-716-5437.


    Click on the images below to take you to a page for details and information!


    Please click on the image below to take you to the Devon & Area Community Events page

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