Robina Baker Elementary School


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  • October 6, 2023

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    Admin Corner

    “Be present in all things and thankful for all things” – Maya Angelou 

    It’s hard to believe we are where we are. Things have been just ticking along here at the school. Students and staff have been working so hard so a well deserved break is upon us this week. Maya Angelou said it well; being present AND thankful for all things is important; and it’s not always easy. With the busy lives that we all live, it is sometimes hard to slow down to enjoy the moment. That being said, it is also so very much necessary to do so. 

    A few moments I’ve tried to be “present” for here at the school:

    • Watching our Grade 2 students reviewing and learning new Math. I took some time recently to sit down and be present with students as they were practicing some activities. I was thankful as well to see students using some hands on manipulatives to help them with their learning processes. I am thankful for student centered learning. 
    • Greeting students as they come off the bus or line up in the morning. Sometimes this feels busy, but the energy always feels so good. I’m thankful our students show up each day excited to be here, to engage, to learn. I am thankful for the relationships with students. 
    • A dedicated School Council and Fundraising Society met at the school for the first time this year. I decided to have the meetings in our offices but we were packed and will need to move this meeting to a larger space next time. The dialogue was amazing and our parent group has worked so hard. Most excitingly they have pushed the green light on the playground work. It looks like a spring build! I am thankful for our parents. 
    • World Teacher Day was this week. I’m thankful for our dedicated teachers who go above and beyond their contracts to ensure that learning is centered around their students. I am thankful for our teachers. 
    • Mrs. Kirton and myself were away at Professional Development with all administration within Black Gold School Division for two days this week. Though we very much missed our students, we were thankful for the opportunity to engage in meaningful learning that will in the end benefit student success. If you are curious about what we learned about, you can click here

    Both Mrs. Kirton and myself wish you a wonderful and safe long weekend!

    Mr. Coffin

    Thank you!

    We wanted to start this Thanksgiving weekend with a couple of huge thanks you’s:

    Thank You Devon Days!

    Mr. Scott, our Music Teacher, was thrilled to receive a check from Suzanne Houlton, the Vice-President of the Devon Days Exhibition Association Robina Baker’s Music Program was a recipient of a grant provided by the Devon Days Exhibition Association.

    Thank you!

    Thank you so much to Alisha and Jessica for helping put up our wooden fish! The fish, that Robina Baker students painted are a part of the Ripple Effect. The goal of the Ripple Effect project is to bring awareness to the community about the importance of protecting the North Saskatchewan River and the river valley while displaying some locally crafted public art for everyone to enjoy.

    Important Dates
    October 5 – National Teacher Day
    October 9 – Thanksgiving Day – No School
    October 10 – PD Day – No School

    October 23- 27 – Parent-Teacher Meetings – Details coming soon!

    October 16-24 – Book Fair

    October 26 – Games Night – Details coming soon!

    You Can Order Photos Now

    You can now order your school photos! Just go to; enter your code and choose your backgrounds! If you have lost your code that came home, you can ask your teacher or call the office at 780-987-3705.

    November Hot Lunch

    You can order November’s Hot Lunch between October 1 – October 22 at 6:00 pm.

    Create an account using access code BGHL then enter your kids and select which classroom they’re in.

    Hot Lunch – Use Code BGHL

    Girl’s Clothes

    In the office, we often need to lend out clothes to students who have had accidents, spilled lunch, jumped in a puddle, or a variety of other situations that require a change of clothes. Currently, we are so low on girl’s pants and leggings. If you have any gently used items you can donate to the school that would be great!

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