March 4, 2022
ASSEMBLY HIGHLIGHTS Thank you to our special cohosts, Ellie and Rebecca in 4A! It is such a treat to have student guests to help with our assemblies. We had a...
Robina Baker Elementary School
Mom’s Pantry Fundraiser Deadline November 8
ASSEMBLY HIGHLIGHTS Thank you to our special cohosts, Ellie and Rebecca in 4A! It is such a treat to have student guests to help with our assemblies. We had a...
ASSEMBLY HIGHLIGHTS Thank you to our special cohosts, Ellie and Oliver in 4A, for doing such a great job! We had a jam packed kindness themed assembly. Constable Lackie joined...
ASSEMBLY HIGHLIGHTS Thank you to our special cohosts, Tessa and Lexey from 4B, for doing such a great job! We continued our kindness theme this month and started our annual...
UPDATED SAFETY PROTOCOLS All parents should have received an email update from Black Gold this past week with the updated safety protocols. If you missed the email or didn’t get...
ASSEMBLY HIGHLIGHTS February starts our kindness theme for the month! We also Kicked off our Jump Rope For Heart Campaign and we watched this video. You can find more information...