Robina Baker Elementary School


You can now register for Kindergarten for next year!

Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button

  • September 12, 2024

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    Good Afternoon Robina Families,

    This week was our first FULL week at school. It was also an exciting week as we welcomed our smallest Raptors in the building. Mrs. Porter’s EIPreKindergarten classes started this week.

    This week, I thought I’d share with you a couple of “Did You Know’s?” about the great things happening at Robina Baker!

    • Did you know that on most Fridays our students attend a small grade-level assembly with Mr. Scott? The 7 Grandfather Teachings guide many of his assemblies. He has also lined up some great community guests to come in and share their knowledge with students. If you are a community member interested in sharing; please connect with him!
    • Did you know that during assembly time, teachers are engaging in meaningful collaboration with one another? Our division is very focused on John Hattie’s Visible Learning research. Our teachers will be engaging in professional development in October with all other teachers in BGSD about Visible Learning. The administration at RBES has timetabled Professional Learning Community (PLC) time for teachers on Fridays to work on goals that will help increase student learning and achievement. We have a dedicated group of teachers who use this time to plan for your children!
    • Did you know that last year Mrs. Dupont organized “Grandma/pa Readers”. These folks are lovely humans who just enjoy the experience of reading with our students. If you or someone you know might be interested in this for this year, email her!
    • Did you know that our School Council and Fundraising group are having their first meeting soon? Mark your calendars for September 25th. It is a great way to learn more about what happens in the school and creates a community beyond our school walls. They are a fun, active, and engaging group. 
    • Did you know that our Fundraising Society has organized hot lunch again this year? Check out the information below on how to order for October! 
    • Did you know that our Terry Fox Run/Walk is next week? In an effort to build community within our community, we have partnered with John Maland High School as well as Riverview Middle School for the day. The Lion’s Club has been gracious to join us again and provide a healthy treat for our students. Please consider donating to the RBES walk/run by clicking here. We also don’t want any students missing out; as such verification forms need to be completed as this is the permission for students to participate. Please click here to complete it! Parents, please connect with your child’s class if you’d like to join. 
    • Did you know that our Cross Country team is in full swing? They compete in Beaumont and Wetasekin soon! Thank you to Mrs. Suter and Mrs. Rothfos for coaching!
    • Did you know that the Grade 4 leadership sign-up happened today? We are excited to have our Grade 4’s set up in groups helping to make our school a great place.

    Lots of great things happening at Robina Baker. Have a wonderful weekend! 

    Mr. Coffin

    Did you know?

    Important Dates

    September 20 – PD – No School
    September 24 – Last day to order October Hot Lunch
    September 24 – Verification Forms Due for Terry Fox Run
    September 25 – School Council Meeting 6 p.m.
    September 25 – Terry Fox Run
    September 30 – National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

    Hot Lunch

    October Hot Lunch is now available to order until Monday, September 23.

    Hot Lunch will be delivered on Mondays and Fridays this year!

    You place your orders on If you want to participate in Hot Lunch you can set up your account now!

    Create an account using access code BGHL then enter your kids and select which classroom they’re in.

    Thank you to our Fundraising Society for organizing Hot Lunch again this year!

    You are invited!

    Hello Robina Baker Elementary School family!

    I just wanted to touch base and let you know that we’re here and have already been making plans for an exciting school year!

    A couple behind the-scenes things that are happening

    – Hot lunches are in the works starting in October

    – With the playground construction complete, we can focus on more community activities for our school families. Dances, movie nights, and FUNdraisers!

    Please save the date for our first school council meeting of the 2024/25 school year on September 25th at 6pm at the school.

    We will have child care, so bring the kids and let them party, while you catch up on all the exciting things we’ll have in store this year.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to one of our super amazing members and we’ll help you as best we can.

    Fundraising: [email protected]

    School Council: [email protected]

    We’re looking forward to a fantastic school year!

    You can do your verification forms now!

    You should have received an email earlier today letting you know that you can complete the verification forms on PowerSchool. Thank you to everyone who has completed them already!

    The forms are not where you look for permission forms. There is a link on the left-hand side of PowerSchool. Please review the instructions on our website here.

    If you have any problems completing them, please call the office at 780-987-3705.

    Terry Fox Run September 25

    RBES will host its annual Terry Fox Run on Wednesday, September 25!

    Please complete your verification forms as it includes a walking field trip agreement that gives each student permission to participate in this event.

    If you are interested in joining any of our Grade 1-4 students on their walk, please complete the Volunteer registration form on PowerSchool and let your teacher know you are willing to participate.

    Library Corner

    Welcome back to the library!  This past week all students, except those in Kindergarten, took out books from the library. Students are allowed the following number of books:

    • Grades K and 1 – 1 book
    • Grades 2 and 3 – 2 books
    • Grade 4 – 3 books

    Please return the books a week later when it is your student’s library day.  

    Scholastic Book Fair – We will be having a Scholastic Book Fair in October.  It will be the week of Parent Teacher Interviews.  Exact dates to be announced. 

     Amazon Wishlist. We have a wishlist for the library!  If you would like to buy one of these books for the library, please don’t forget to have Amazon send us a gift note with your name on it.  I like to acknowledge the person who purchased the book.  Thanks!

    Cell Phones / Bring Your Own Devices

    As you might be aware, in June, the Government of Alberta implemented Standards for the Use of Personal Mobile Devices and Social Media in Schools. The impact of this is rather insignificant within our school since the majority of our students do not have a mobile device. That being said, as we have in the past, should your child come to school with a mobile device, this device must remain off and in their backpack for the entirety of the day. Our School Division is currently developing their policy around this as they have until January 1st to do so. Stay tuned for more information. If you have any specific questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Coffin.

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