Robina Baker Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration Starts January 6

Register here:

  • SEPTEMBER 9, 2022

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    This week Mrs. Kloschinsky will be sending out a few emails regarding BYOED technology, volunteer opportunities, and finalizing our Kinder and Pre-K calendars. Please watch for those emails. The calendars will be sent out by the teachers and posted on our website too! We hope to see a few new faces out to our School Council and RBES Fundraiser Committee meetings this week. Please join us if you can. Additional details are listed in their section below.


    Thank you so much Robina Baker, for completing your verification forms so quickly! Almost 80% of our forms have been done. If you haven’t had a chance, please do your forms as soon as possible. Thank you . . . It would be very much appreciated! Mrs. Horrocks will be emailing, calling, and texting all remaining parents this week.
    Your PowerSchool information will reflect any changes you noted in the verification process by the end of September.


    All students are asked to have a labelled water bottle to use and fill throughout the day. Some students have been forgetting them when they take them home to be cleaned and so we have been encouraging our students to have 2 water bottles in rotation, so they are never without. This is not necessary, but a suggestion for those that are struggling to remember to bring it back after it has gone home to be cleaned. Providing water bottles for those who forget is a strain on our budget and increases the amount of recycling that needs to be done in the school. Thank you in advance for your support with this!


    If you didn’t have a chance to read the Communication Information yet, please familiarize yourself with it. You can click on the image below OR it also has a permanent home on our website under the PARENT tab. Here is the link for your convenience: COMMUNICATION
    ** Just a reminder that we won’t have teacher blogs completely up and running until all verification forms come in as that also includes our FOIP permission for publishing photos. A couple of our teachers were so excited to get started that they inadvertently posted some pictures, but those have been removed until forms are finished and then they will be reposted. If you have any questions regarding FOIP and where your child’s photos may appear, please contact Mrs. Kloschinsky.


    All parents are encouraged to come out to our School Council and / or Fundraising Committee meetings. They are held about 8 times per year. They are both are great support to RBES and you can see a summary in the poster below.

    Don’t have time for meetings, but are willing to volunteer for events? Use the QR code below or click on the button below to take you to a link to sign up to let us know!


    Please click on the images below for more details.


    Please click on the image below to take you to the Devon & Area Community Events page

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