Robina Baker Elementary School


You can now register for Kindergarten for next year!

Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button


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    All parents are invited to come to the school on Wednesday, March 16 for Student Led Conferences. Please plan to bring your child with you and aim to spend approximately 15 minutes with them in their classroom doing activities.

    This is not a parent-teacher interview. If you would like to speak one on one with the teacher about your child’s progress, please reach out to them to set this up at a separate time.

    Parents and their child(ren) can come by when it is convenient for them between 3:30 – 6:45. We encourage a 15 minute time frame in each classroom to ensure everyone has an opportunity to visit and do a couple of activities with their child.

    We are excited to welcome our parents back into the building and look forward to meeting some of you in person for the first time! If you have any questions, please email or call your child’s classroom teacher.

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