Robina Baker Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration Starts January 6

Register here:

  • Welcome Back!

    Posted on    Posted in General

    The first day of school for students in grades 1 – 4 is Monday, August 29. Doors open at 8:15 am. Students will enter the school through their assigned door. All students will learn their lineup and boot-room routine on the first day with their classroom teacher.

    Please send indoor shoes and a water bottle that are labeled. All students are required to have a water bottle and they will be able to fill it at bottle filling stations located throughout the school during the day.

    Please note: if you didn’t preorder school supplies, supply lists can be found on the website at:

    If you know your child will not be at school on August 29, or any day, please report their absence on THIS LINK or call the office at 780-987-3705.
    Please click on THIS LINK for some important additional information regarding school communication. It will take you to my first Principal’s Corner update of the year.

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