Robina Baker Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration Starts January 6

Register here:

Verification Form Instructions

We hope these instructions will help you complete your verification forms. If you ever have questions, please call the school at 780-987-3705.

1 – Log on to PowerSchool
PowerSchool Link
If you haven’t already bookmarked PowerSchool – do it now!  You will be in PowerSchool many times throughout the year.

2 – Click on Student Enrolment Verification
On the left-hand side just above student messenger, click on Student Enrolment Verification.

Begin Forms

Make sure you enter the student’s birthday in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

Complete each section and click on the green NEXT button

Permission Forms

Digital Citizenship – if this is not signed your child will not be allowed on a computer.

Collection or Use of Student Information – also known as FOIP, if you do not want your child on our website, Facebook or yearbook – you must let us know on this form.

Informed Consent – Walking Field Trips – This form gives your child permission to go on walking field trips.  You will be notified by your teacher when and where they will be walking but you will not have to do a permission form for each trip now.

Consent for Release of Information – This gives our School Council and Fundraising Committee permission to contact you.

NEW – Consent for Smudging in School – You have the choice to either let your child participate, just observe, or leave the smudging area.

Review and Submit

Review Your info and make sure it is correct.

Once you click your final NEXT – you will either be complete (yay you) or it will let you know you have missed something.  Look for any red.

Often it is a simple fix by pulling down a yes from the pulldown.

Thank you!  If you have any questions – please call the office at 780-987-3705