Robina Baker Elementary School


You can now register for Kindergarten for next year!

Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button

  • April 26, 2024

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    Admin Corner

    There is lots of fun and community to celebrate this week at the school. Wednesday in particular, was a highlight day in the building! It was National Secretary Day. If you visited the school you might have noticed balloons attached to Mrs. Horrocks and Mrs. Christian’s desks displaying a “You’re Number One”. Mrs. Christian and Mrs. Horrocks are the heartbeat of the school and keep all of us moving along day to day. They are so respectful and kind to all our students and greet each visitor to the school, by phone or in person in a way that makes them feel like they belong. Please join me in celebrating and recognizing the excellent work they do for our school community!

    Our School Council is so committed to building a positive community for us. Tonight they will be hosting a Family Dance; “Neon, White, and Everything Bright”. Doors open at 5:30 and all students must come with a family member! Families are encouraged to come and meet one another and enjoy some good music and friendship. Our Grade 4s are also organizing a Cake Walk, which kicked off this afternoon. We had so many students excited about the prospect of winning a cake. The funds raised from the Cake Walk will directly offset the cost of the Camp Warwa trip.

    The Playground Committee is also very excited about the building of our new playground next month. They are looking for volunteers. Please consider signing up to help out for a shift! Click here for the link.

    Thank you to everyone for doing their part at making our school community a fun, safe, and vibrant place to be!

    Mr. Coffin

    April 26 – RBES Family Dance

    April 30 – Grade 2 Field Trip – Telus World of Science

    May 3 – Kindergarten Nature School

    May 6-10 – Mental Health Week

    May 6 – Bus Driver Appreciation Day

    May 6 – Mindful Monday

    May 7 – Lion’s Club Reading

    May 7 -Tasty Tuesday

    May 8 – Hats on for Mental Health

    May 8 – Wellness Wednesday

    May 15 & 16 – Moving-up & Moving-on Photos Grade 4 & Kindergarten

    Grade 4 Teamwork!

    Angel decided to have a lemonade stand to raise money for the Grade 4 trip to Camp Warwa.  As many good ideas do, it snowballed.  Soon her friends joined in and they were selling fruit snacks too.  Grace, Blake, Marley, Benjamin, and Aalyshia joined Angel and sold lemonade for four days together.  Marley turned a family milk carton costume into a lemonade drink box mascot to help attract customers.   Together the group raised over $560.  They decided to use the money to reduce the cost of every grade 4 student by $9 each.  Thank you!

    Camp Warwa Cake Walk

    Thank you so much to all of the families who supported the Camp Warwa Cake Walk. We had over 75 cakes donated! Stay tunes for next week for more information on how much money was raised.

    Mental Health Week

    Come out on Mc Happy Day on Wednesday, May 8 from 3 – 6 pm and maybe one of our staff will ask if you would like fries with that!

    We need your help to build the playground!

    It’s finally here!

    We are looking for volunteers to help us with unloading and assembling our new playground. Please provide your information and sign up below. Volunteers MUST be over 18.

    Moving Up & On Photos

    The Kindergarten and Grade 4 students have individual Celebration Photos as Kinders are moving up and the Grade 4s are moving on and we like to take their photos as a part of their celebration.  The Grade 4s can bring in an item that represents something important to them this year (For example ballet slippers if they were in dance, or a game console).  Kindergarten students will have a Graduation cap and scroll provided for their photos.  

    Wednesday, May 15 – Grade 4 and K2 Kinder classes

    Thursday, May 16 – K1 and any missing Grade 4 students from April 24 – MORNING ONLY

    Library Corner

    • If you have any questions regarding your child’s account, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please note: You will not be charged any fines unless you have been notified that it will happen.
    • PreK students –  Please return the red bookmark with the book.  It helps us put the books into the correct bags.  Thanks to everyone who remembered to do so!!   
    • Leduc Recreation Pass – Don’t forget about the Leduc Recreation Pass which can be checked out for a week.  
    •   Amazon Wishlist If you would like to buy one of these books for the library, please don’t forget to have Amazon send us a gift note with your name on it.  I like to acknowledge the person who purchased the book.  Thanks!
    • Thanks to those of you who have donated books from the Amazon Wishlist!!  That is fantastic and very much appreciated!

    Please help us plan for next year by letting us know if your child will not be returning to Robina Baker next year.  If your Grade 4 student will be going to Riverview Middle School, you do not have to let us know.

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