Robina Baker Elementary School


You can now register for Kindergarten for next year!

Register here: Click on the 2025-2026 grey button

  • March 8, 2024

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    Admin Corner

    Our cold snap finally ended yesterday at lunch recess and it was so glorious to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. I think we are finally on the home stretch of springtime! As the snow starts to melt away be sure to pack a few extra things in your child’s bag in case the puddle jumping gets a bit too much!

    This week there was a lot of wonderful engagement in our school community! As students were busy learning in their classrooms, we had the great fortune of welcoming in our local Trustee, Devonna Klaassen as well as our MLA Andrew Boitchenko for a visit and tour of our school. Our School Council Char joined us and we had a focused, solution-based dialogue about the realities of our school community and how we can do all we can to support our students.

    I was also invited by a group of principals to present to our Board about the great work our school is doing with Visible Learning. You might recall in an earlier Principal Corner we discussed Visible Learning and how you at home can also engage with your child about discussing their learning. Check out some great questions to ask here. (Visible Learning Poster – See Megan’s email).

    Finally, another wonderful shout-out to our fantastic School Council. Despite the frigid temperatures, our School Council met and highlighted the MLA visit as well as I provided a report on the great things happening at RBES. Our School Council is a dedicated group of parents. With that in mind, there was a significant conversation around a succession plan as many of our members will no longer have students attending our school next year as their kiddos are in Grade 4 and off to Riverview and beyond. They are looking for people to come to the table so if you are interested, our next council meeting is April 10th at 6:00. You can also email them at [email protected] to learn more about how you can contribute. Our Fundraising Society in particular is looking for someone to take over the organization of Hot Lunch!

    If you have a moment, feel free to stop by and cheer on our Grade 3/4 Girls Floor Hockey team this weekend! We are hosting a tournament and will have schools from across BGSD participating! Also, the Fundraising Society is putting on a 50/50 for the tournament. Even if you can’t make it you are welcome to purchase a ticket here!

    Finally, a heartfelt and genuine thank you to those of you who provided me with some feedback last week in my Principal Survey. Your words and comments meant the world to me and have affirmed that we are on a good path here at RBES!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend,
    Mr. Coffin

    March 8 & 9 Girls Floor Hockey Tournament at Robina Baker

    March 10 – Daylight Savings Time

    March 11 – PD Day – So School

    March 13 Student-Led Conferences

    March 15 & 16 – Boys Floor Hockey Tournament

    March 22 – Last Day to order Hot Lunch

    March 23-30 – Spring Break – No School

    April 1 – Easter Monday – No school

    Congratulations to the Pizza With the Principal winners!

    Student-Led Conferences

    All parents are invited to come to the school on Wednesday, March 13 for Student-Led Conferences. Please plan to bring your child with you and aim to spend approximately 15 minutes with them in their classroom doing activities.

    Parents and their child(ren) can come by when it is convenient for them between 3:30 – 6:45 pm. We encourage a 15-minute time frame in each classroom to ensure everyone can visit and do a couple of activities with their child.

    This is not a parent-teacher interview. If you would like to speak one-on-one with the teacher about your child’s progress, please contact them to set this up at a separate time.

    Library Corner

    • If you have any questions regarding your child’s account, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Please don’t be concerned if you get an overdue email, especially when your child missed their library period due to a PD day or being sick. It is just a reminder. 
    • PreK students started taking out a book this week!
    • Grade 1 students now may take out 2 books.
    • Grade 4 may now take out 3 books.
    • The only classes taking out 1 book are the Kindergartens.
    • Leduc Recreation Pass – Don’t forget about the Leduc Recreation Pass which can be checked out for a week.  
    • Amazon Wishlist – I have created an Amazon Wishlist for the library. You can check it out here:  Amazon Wishlist.  If you would like to buy one of these books for the library, please don’t forget to have Amazon send us a gift note with your name on it.  I like to acknowledge the person who purchased the book.  Thanks!

    Mrs. Joossee

    Please help us plan for next year by letting us know if your child will not be returning to Robina Baker next year.  If your Grade 4 student will be going to Riverview Middle School, you do not have to let us know.  

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